STE4.5 B0.36/6-01L GAS weishaupt威索燃烧机专用用伺服电机 伺服马达 风门执行器
STE4.5 B0.36/6-01L GAS 伺服马达(BERGER LAHR)(Schneider)
STE4.5 B0.36/6-01L GS伺服马达/风门执行器
品牌:BERHER LAHR(百格拉)/ Schneider(施耐德) 产地:德国 *BerherLahr公司已经被Scheider公司并购,现为施耐德公司旗下品牌!
此型号伺服马达专用于德国weishaupt/威索燃气燃烧器上 使用此产品的燃烧器型号如下: WG10 WG20 WG30 WG40
产品描述 |
Berher Lahr品牌伺服马达分为STM, STA, STE三个系列。他们可以用于精确控制风门、阀门等的开度。在紧凑型的伺服马达内部有马达、齿轮组、控制单元组成。
伺服马达STE系列由模拟信号 (电流或电压) 进行控制。可通过模拟信号设置轴的旋转角度。操作范围,可以自由地在0和90°之间的定义。在界定的工作范围内,可以选择任何的旋转角度。根据版本,设定值可以设置作为一个从0到10V的电压信号或从4至20毫安的电流信号。运行范围的限制也可以由两个极限开关得到保障。新STE数字式已经上市,供电电压为24V。
You can use the actuators from Berger Lahr to position flaps, valves or slides with great precision. Inside the compact servo drive housing there is a motor, a gearbox and a control unit. There is a choice of three actuator types to solve your positioning problems: STM, STA and STE.
Actuators of type STE are controlled by analogue signals (current or voltage). The angle of rotation of the shaft can be set via analogue signals. The operating range can be freely defined between 0 and 90×. Any angle of rotation can be selected within the defined operating range. Depending on the version, the setpoint can be set as a voltage from 0 to 10 V or as a current from 4 to 20 mA. The limits of the operating range can also be safeguarded by two limit switches.
Actuators of type STA are available with 3, 4 or 5 cams. Two cams serve to define the limits, and the others are available for controlling external devices. The cams are continuously adjustable. Actuators of type STA are also fitted with 1 or 2 relays. Switching actions for controlling the motor are controlled via these relays. STA actuators are used to move air flaps in oil and gas burners.
Various wiring arrangements are available for connecting to standard burners. Actuators of type STA can be supplied to run clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Actuators of type STM are constructed in the same way as actuators of type STA. They differ in having no relays.
Actuators of type STM are available in clockwise and anti-clockwise versions.
型号解析 |
例如 | STE4.5 B0.36/6-01L GS |
产品类别:伺服马达(执行器) | |
执行器类型 | STE4.5 B0.36/6-01L GS |
STE:数字式执行器 | |
STA:执行器带凸轮盘和继电器 | |
STM:执行器带凸轮盘 | |
90°运行时间 | STE4.5B0.36/6-01L GS |
例如:4.5代表运行90°所需时间为4.5秒 | |
尺寸和箱体 | STE4.5B0.36/6-01L GS |
B0,B1,B2,B3,Q3 | |
马达型号 | STE4.5 B0.36/6-01L GS |
RSM36/8,RSM36/12,RSM37/6MRSM41/6,RSM42/6,RSM51/6 | |
运行程序和接线 | STE4.5 B0.36/6-01L GS |
例如01: | |
01:电路图 | |
旋转方向 | STE4.5 B0.36/6-01LGS |
R:右 | |
L:左 | |
作用 | STE4.5 B0.36/6-01LGS |
LUFT:风门执行器 | |
GS:燃气蝶阀执行器 |
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联系我们 上海威敬机电设备有限公司 联系人:蒋经理 电话:021-56611535 手机:17321263368 17321283368 QQ:471063281 642195674 网址 地址:上海市普陀区真华路157弄15楼101号 |
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