德国西门子燃烧器程控器 LFL1.322






    The burner controls of the LFL1... range are designed for the control and supervision of forced draught gas burners of both expanding flame and interrupted pilot construction of medium to high capacity. They are universally applicable and can be used for both multistage and modulating burners as well as for dual-fuel burners and for burners of stationary air heaters (WLE to DIN 4794).

    The difference between series 01 and 02 lies in the duration of the safety time for the pilot burner of burners using pilot gas valves.


    atmospheric burners of high capacity,type LFL1.638 is available.

    For burner controls used with burners in continuous operation,

    types LGK16... .
    LFL1.122 Series 02 LFL1.133 Series 02 LFL1.322 Series 02 LFL1.333 Series 02 LFL1.335 Series 01 LFL1.622 Series 02 LFL1.635 Series 01 LFL1.638 Series 01
    t1 10 9 36 31.5 37.5 66 67.5 67.5
    t2 2 3 2 3 2.5 2 2.5 2.5
    t2’ - 3 - - 5 - 5 5
    t3 4 3 4 6 5 4 5 5
    t3’ - - - - 2.5 - 2.5 2.5
    t4 6 6 10 12 12.5 10 12.5 12.5
    t4’ - - - - 15 - 15 15
    t5 4 3 10 12 12.5 10 12.5 12.5
    t6 10 14.5 12 18 15 12 15 15
    t7 2 3 2 3 2.5 2 2.5 2.5
    t8 30 29 60 72 78 96 105 105
    t9 2 3 2 3 5 2 5 7.5
    t10 6 6 8 12 10 8 10 10
    t11 optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional
    t12 optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional
    t16 4 3 4 6 5 4 5 5
    t13 10 14.5 12 18 15 12 15 15
    t20 32 60 - 27 22.5 - - -
    t1 预吹扫时间,风门打开 t7 从开始到端口7开始工作的间隔时间(风机2开始延迟时间)
    t2 安全时间 t8 启动持续时间(没有端口11和12)
    t2’ 安全时间或1段火安全时间 t9 第二安全时间
    t3 预点火时间,短(点火变压器连接端口16) t10 从启动到空气压力监测开始的间隔时间(不包括风门运行时间)
    t3’ 预点火时间,长(点火变压器连接端口15) t11 风门打开到最大位的运行时间
    t4 从t2开始到端口19打开2段火的间隔时间 t12 风门运行到小火位的时间
    t4’ 从t2’开始到端口19打开2段火的间隔时间 t13 允许的燃烧后时间
    t5 从t4结束到端口20打开比例控制或阀门的间隔时间 t16 直到风门给出打开命令的间隔时间
    t6 后吹扫时间(带风机2) t20 程控器锁定后的顺序自检时间






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